Friday, December 7, 2012

WCBJ Episode 11: "Bourbon and a Revolver"

Dan Slott joins us this episode! Yes, that Dan Slott! The guy who writes “The Amazing Spider-Man” is on the podcast! I promise I’ll stop using exclamation points!  After a store signing Mr. Slott was gracious enough to sit down and share his experiences working in the Marvel offices, dealing with fans on social media, and everything painful and glorious that comes along with writing comics.  It was loads of fun and before we knew it we had a double-sized episode. If you are looking for a fun time, listen here.  Thanks so much Dan Slott.

Segments include:

Secret Origin: Who do you think?

DC Reads a Marvel: Amazing Spider-Man #699 (sort of)

Here’s the postmortem:

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